classic, coniferous pellet, well known on polish market for over 10 years, made from mixture of pine and spruce shavings. Its bright colour is an outcome of feedstock’s drying technology. Used belt dryer instead of bygone, tumble one, does not overheat wood shavings, which preserve maximum capacity of resin binders and essential oils.
brand, that instantly overtook the market and regular customers. Its feedstock structure contains fine, pine and spruce particulates, wood shavings and wood chips. The highest level and the repeatability of the final product guarantee its feedstock, which is contained from strictly defined, controlled source. Quality confirmed with DIN plus and EN plus A1 – PL 019 certificates.
bestseller in our offer. Very rare on the market, leafy pellet, made in 95-97% from leafy wood shavings. It contains 80% of oak, 15-17% of beech and a few percent of coniferous material. 100% leafy pellet production is a very tough goal to achieve because of an amount of power required to press wood shavings into pellet pieces (it is caused by lack of resin binders and essential oils). Mixture with little amount of coniferous feedstock enhance binding and improve the production,
concomitantly do not lower energetic efficiency. Using the SILVER pellet reduction of the fuel consumption in 10-15% comparing to coniferous pellet.
New ECO Technologies
Grzegorz Pilarczyk
ul. Sienkiewicza 56,
48-385 Otmuchów
woj. opolskie
tel. +48 603 375 693
tel. +48 668 641 122
NIP PL 7531177634
ul. Sienkiewicza 56
48-385 Otmuchów
woj. opolskie
We have been active on the market over 20 years.
Since that time, we have gained experience and knowledge which we are glad to share with all our business partners.
Last 6 years, our main goal was to provide wide range of products related to producing and sourcing renewable energy – solar energy, Earth’s warmth and non-fossil fuels from natural resources.
NET Nowe Eko Technologie
Grzegorz Pilarczyk
Nieradowice 58, 48-385 Otmuchów
tel. +48 603 375 693
tel. +48 668 641 122